For Course details:
Ring 022-21145 option 1
The following rules are designed to ensure the enjoyment of the club and its facilities by Members & Visitors so that no one is inconvenienced or upset by another's actions or appearance.
Smart casual dress is essential on the course and in the clubhouse. It must be clean, neat and tidy and in keeping with the high standards of the club. Any type of footwear or headwear worn on the course, tennis courts and squash courts is not acceptable in the clubhouse.
Use of mobile phones is permitted in the Clubhouse but to ensure the comfort of members and guests please proceed to the foyer or balcony to receive or make a call.
On the course the following items of dress are unacceptable at any time:
- Denim Jeans & Jackets
- Tracksuits
- Singlets, Sleeveless or Collarless Shirts. (Ladies may wear sleeveless shirts provided they are tailored).
- Untailored Shorts
- Garments displaying large slogans (other than golf logos). E.g Football shirts
- Sweaters without shirts
- Trousers must never be tucked into socks
- Golf shoes must be worn at all times when playing or practicing (no training shoes or street footwear permitted).
- The use of mobile phones on the course is only permitted in the case of an emergency. Please ensure that the phone is switched to silent at all times.
Club staff are authorised to approach Members and Visitors if the dress regulations are violated.